Adel Al-Moawdah is down on his luck these days. He has been sidelined by the organisation he led, the Salafist Al-Islah Gild when he was removed from heading it, he was not given the guaranteed 2nd Deputy Speaker'south seat in this parliament – while he occupied the 1st Deputy's seat during the last term, and at present he has been branded an backslider by a new group in Bahrain calling itself Ansar Al-Khulafaa (Champions of the Rightly Guided, the 4 who ruled afterwards the Prophet – pbuh).


MP Adel Al-Moawdah

Apart from my differences with the good MP, he does not deserve to be branded a "kaffir" – an apostate – by anyone, for if he – a man of organized religion – is branded and then, how would the rest of us be counted?

This of form is a very unsafe situation and it shows that our gild – or at least elements in it – have descended to a very dangerous level in which decease is their game, and that they happily and lightly use to anyone who differs with them on stance or thought.

This phenomenon is what started various wars and tore whole societies asunder, this is what is happening in Iraq and Transitional islamic state of afghanistan. This is what happened also in countries similar Saudi, Iran, Sudan, Pakistan, Arab republic of egypt, India, the Philippines and even the UK with the end effect is the disruption of a way of life for the individual and communities because of these very grievous accusations.

This is a dire sickness which must exist immediately treated. It is a cancer that should the community and authorization leave unchecked, will lead to suicide murderers, bombs and strife to grip our country with untold innocent lives lost. It will completely remove any hope of progress and windows of opportunities from our future.

All for a difference of opinion.

We accept a duty now more than e'er to propagate the idea of tolerism in our gild and that we can do by unashamedly standing upward to those who condone violence as a fashion of life and who are so close-minded that they believe that it is them only who have the exclusive keys to Sky. Their ideas are not inclusive, just exclusive and based on marginalising anybody else as unworthy; to them if yous do not share their particularly thwarted view of life, then you but don't deserve it.

Is information technology not high fourth dimension – as Muslim countries and communities – that nosotros rid ourselves of this mentality of cultural and religious terrorism, should there not be very stringent laws which criminalise this practice and punish those who choose that extremely dangerous weapon against dialogue and cultural understanding?

What does this mentality serve anyhow? Accusing people of apostasy because they have "insulted Islam" only proves one thing and ane thing only: that Islam is a weak religion that even a personal insult can bring it tumbling down. I don't think information technology is, I think that Islam is a great organized religion which survived for more i,400 years and volition keep to grow much across our own lifetimes – but just if we look at it with fresh eyes and seek the beauty within it and ostracize the violence.

It would not have survived this long had it been "defended" past the wholesale fatwas of apostasy confronting thinkers, writers and philosophers or even normal individuals. Islam does non demand that kind of protection.

And every fourth dimension we get a furore similar this one, or like the wave of objections against the writer Salman Rushdie existence knighted or a scientist asserting that World is really a sphere or any number of issues accounted "offensive" by the takfiris, Islam does get perceived to be a weak and ailing religion, one whose just method of survival is the killing of its critics!

It's time for Muslims – in all their guises, disciplines and interpretations – to grow up and stop these continuous unnecessary temper tantrums and their idea of "protecting our noble religion". It doesn't need protection. What information technology needs are courageous people who could re-interpret ancient texts and endeavour to punch holes in information technology without the fright or death – literally – hanging over their heads.

Our prophet said that a Muslim's main facet is his mind, which he deemed much more than important than all other rituals; isn't it high time that we engaged ours and so?

In closing, I offering my full support to Adel Al-Moawdah confronting the takfiris in Bahrain and call upon everyone to stand business firm against those criminals.

Information technology is high fourth dimension to repossess our community and religion dorsum.